Unleash the Beauty of Your Piano With Our Services

At Easterling's Piano Refinishing, we offer a wide range of expert services to help refinish and repair your piano to its former glory. We use only the highest quality materials and techniques to ensure your piano looks and sounds as good as new.

White Grand Piano
Grand Piano

We Make It Easy To Refinish Your Piano Back to Its Full Potential

We specialize in complete lacquer and polyester piano refinishing to make your piano look like it did when it was first purchased. We use only the highest quality finishes to ensure that your piano looks great and stands the test of time.

Our refinishing process involves removing the old finish, sanding and preparing the wood, and applying new coats of lacquer or polyester to give it a brand-new appearance.

Our In-Home Services and Expert Touch-Up Solutions

In addition to our refinishing services, we also offer touch-up and repair services to address any cosmetic or structural issues your piano may have. Whether your piano needs a minor touch-up or a major repair, we have the expertise to handle the job.

We take pride in our attention to detail and our commitment to providing top-quality services that exceed your expectations. Whether you need in-home service, refinishing, touch-ups, repairs, or insurance claims for pianos, we've got you covered.

White Grand Piano, Restoration in progress
White Grand Piano

Get the Most Out of Your Piano!

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help restore and repair your piano to its full potential.